sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2013

he's much more than an idol

my dad doesn't understand my feelings for James... I think, my dad, my mom, my sister, my family, my friends, nobody understands... they try, I think, but they can't understand! I'm so sure about that... James is much more than a singer, songwritter, musician, idol, or all the names I can call him... he's much more than that! he saved me, he's like my angel... I was so lost, undiscovered, I was so depressed, sad... I didn't know why I was living... I cried every nights, I was a sad girl, I didn't believe in people, because I was hurt by them, with words and some awful attitudes... I was so so down, and it was so scary for a little girl with only 13 years old.
I was leaving a school, I was insecure, I was so down... I didn't know what to do with myself... but, I started listening James, and, it was like the awakening for my life, you know? I don't know how to express my love for him! this is not a disease, I'm not crazy, I'm not obsessed... I just love him! he's everything to me! without him, I wouldn't be happy, I would
n't be here probably... cause, he started giving me reasons to live.... to be happy! and I identify myself with his songs, so so much... he was just like me... he was lost, he was undiscovered, he felt bad about himself, sometimes... and I felt bad about myself too, I feel bad about myself too, sometimes...
I'm not a crazy fan, I'm only a girl who was saved by him.. I don't know what to say... I think, "Precious Love" says all... "I was so lost, didn't know what to do with myself, I was my worst own enemy, I was lost and oh, I needed help (....) you picked me up, when I was down, showed me how to live again." It's all... James showed me how to live again, he taught me so many things... he taught me that "when it all falls down, the only way is up", he gives me strength everyday, he makes me happy with simply things... without him, I would be even more lost, I would be undiscovered forever, without him...
I'm young, but the society, and people of my age, aren't good for different people... but, because of James, I'm happy now! he saved me... and, nobody understands that... James gave me strength to make new friends, to be happy again, to smile, to meet new people, to fight for my dreams... and I just wanna thank him, one day, I just wanna hug him, and say "thank you James... you changed my life, you saved me... I would be lost, so lost, without you"

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